Autism Diagnosis melbourne

Autism Diagnosis Melbourne



Assessment Squared is your trusted provider of comprehensive and objective autism diagnostic assessments for children and adults across Melbourne.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental condition that affects social interactions and behaviour. While those with ASD share common symptoms, each person’s experience is distinct.

Undergoing an autism diagnostic assessment is a crucial step in identifying the support a child may need at school and beyond. It also aids families, educators, and caregivers in understanding a child’s unique behaviours and learning how to best support them.


When should I consider an autism diagnostic assessment?



Many parents wonder, ‘How can I tell if my child has Autism Spectrum Disorder?’ While every child is different, there are several signs that may indicate the need for an assessment. These include difficulties with imaginative play, engaging with peers, making appropriate eye contact, and understanding emotions in themselves and others.

A child may also exhibit specific sensory preferences, such as discomfort with loud noises, a limited range of food textures, fussiness with clothing, or an unusual response to temperature changes or pain. Other signs include excessive tantrums with no clear cause, or extreme reactions to minor situations.

It’s important to note that ASD often co-occurs with other conditions such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), anxiety, intellectual disability, speech disorders, and learning difficulties. An autism diagnostic assessment can provide clarity and guide parents and carers toward the necessary support for their child.


What does the assessment involve?



Our autism diagnostic assessment in Melbourne is designed to gather detailed information about a child’s health and development. The process typically includes a thorough review of the child’s history, a social and behavioural evaluation (using ADOS-2), and standardised questionnaires to understand the child’s unique challenges.

At Assessment Squared, we offer holistic and collaborative assessments that pave the way for accessing support services.