As the COVID-19 outbreak continues to spread globally, Assessment Squared and our TBHG family of brands are committed to doing our very best to support the health and wellbeing of our customers, staff and stakeholders.

Allied health professionals will continue to play a critical role in the response to COVID-19 and it is essential that during this time we continue to support those who need our services now more than ever.

We have had technology in place for a long time that allows us to maintain “business as usual” and we will continue to offer our uncompromised high-quality services albeit in alternative delivery methods that you may not have used before.

Keeping our people and our clients safe

Assessment Squared has activated our Business Continuity Plan and is currently reaching out to our customers and those who need service delivery alternatives to ask how we can help and support you during this time.

We are constantly monitoring health and government advice and websites for the most accurate and up-to-date information. We will continue to implement infection control and good hygiene best practices, as has always been our approach.

We are regularly updating our staff on the most current health and government guidelines including social distancing, non-essential work travel, attendance for groups and our protocols for when flu-like symptoms are present.

How can we help you?

We know that in the coming weeks and months many organisations will need to re-evaluate their business approach. As innovators and disruptors, we have forward-thinking, evidence-based, reliable alternatives for those needing our healthcare services that are in social isolation or concerned about the risk of Covid-19 via person-to-person interactions.

Assessment Squared is equipped and able to quickly and easily deliver our services via safe, secure telephone, video service and digital solutions.

This is a challenging time for everyone, but we are prepared for today, tomorrow and the future. Continuing to support those who need our mental, medical and physical services is our absolute priority, and we are committed to working closely with all our clients, customers, staff and stakeholders to make sure they have the best support they need.

If you would like more information about our Covid-19 response or the options that may be available to you, please contact us.

Stay safe and healthy.

—Malcolm Choat, Assessment Squared Chief Executive Officer