PSYCHOLOGICal Assessments

Psychological Assessments


At Assessment Squared, our ambition is to empower individuals to make the best decisions in support of their psychological health and wellbeing.

Whether searching for a diagnosis or a better understanding of how an individual learns, we can help.

Each psychological assessment we provide offers deep insights into cognitive, emotional and behavioural functioning. All assessments include initial interviews, psychological testing, report writing and a feedback session.

Using progressive, evidence-based methodologies, our expert team creates precise and reliable psychological assessment reports.

Delivered by registered and passionate psychologists, these reports identify an individual’s strengths, address challenges and develop strategies for personal and professional growth.

We also provide copies of the psychological assessment report, which includes results and recommendations.


Why seek a psychological assessment?

A psychological assessment can be a major step in supporting an adult or child to achieve greater clarity and wellbeing.

As assessment may be sought for one of the following reasons:

  • To determine learning difficulties that could impact performance in school or work environments.
  • For diagnostic clarification to determine eligibility for additional funding/additional services such as special education, funding for teacher aid, NDIS suitability and Disability Support Pensions.
  • To better understand the contributing factors behind emotional or behavioural difficulties.
  • To better understand cognitive learning profiles.


What we offer

At Assessed Squared, we provide the following psychological assessments:


  • Diagnostic psychoeducational assessments to determine any learning disabilities (including ADHD and social, emotional or behavioural disorders).
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) assessments
  • Intellectual impairment assessments.
  • Assessment of cognitive functioning (IQ).


  • Diagnostic assessment for ADHD
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) assessments
  • Intellectual impairment assessments
  • Assessment of cognitive functioning (IQ).


We accept referrals for both child and adult assessments from a range of sources as outlined below.

Child psychological assessment referrals:

  • Parents/carers.
  • Schools
  • GPs
  • Paediatricians
  • Child psychiatrists.
  • Department of Child Safety.
  • NDIS/support coordinators.
  • University clinics.
  • Other allied health services (including psychologists and occupational therapists).

Adult psychological assessment referrals:

  • Self 
  • GPs
  • Psychiatrists
  • NDIS/support coordinators.
  • Other allied health services (including psychologists and occupational therapists).
  • University clinics
  • Workplaces